Saturday, March 04, 2006

The Backstory

The Boobsquad are an not-so-elite team of crime..I mean, boy-fighting girls armed with beer and the advantage of being more than just a lil' off their rockers. Boobahontas kills boys with her kissyfaces, Booberella's tactic being her siren-like squeals of groupiedom, and Boobzilla pretty much just beats the boys up. She's really not a finesser. Maybe there's some tickling in thar fer a sec or 2..then BAM! she's on bruise control. Fear us. Love us. Buy us a round.

*Btdub, from left to right it's Sarah L., me, then my roomie Sara.. I'm usually in a Sara(h)which like this. Sara's got a tamahawk thing cos she's trying to seriously straight up moidah some boys, Sarah's really just into ruffin' 'em up a bit, and I'm uhhhh into complaining about 'em. My favorite part of my Booberella is I even gave her my starfish tat. Feel that ol' Churchy luv!!


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