Friday, August 24, 2007

I'm da boom king

She's So Hot (BOOM)

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This song has been running my life for lately. As has the show (Flight of the Conchords). I don't have much else to yammer about other than I hate 20" iMacs, my psyche, and some other people. I'm trying to keep it under control that I'm a chick..uhh but it ain't working. Also, when did I become a chick? Or maybe I always was one but just thought I was all aloof? Ahh, questions for the shrink I will never be able to afford. I need to buy something with Hello Kitty on it. You know how some women need to eat chocolate or ice cream when they're upset or hormonal? Well, I need to buy Hello Kitty merchandise. I dunno, it's my crack.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Bee Essss!

Which Song By The Cure Are You?

Friday I'm in Love - You're carefree and still single-spirited. You like relationships only when they suit you and you tend to cast others aside sometimes. Try not to be so cold.
Take this quiz!

Quizilla |

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Uhh, yeah RIGHT Quizilla you are way off. Well, not wayyyy off..but this time way off. I thought I would be like "Boys Don't Cry" or something losery boo-hoo shit. I *would* be their biggest pop hit that's only semi-good. Huh. Fuck everything. Fuck fuck fuck. Being an adult is uncool.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Vacay done

Well I'm home from the shore. I'm tan. I'm exhausted. I've been back in the hood for a whole of 24 hours and I'm already stressed. Welcome home, fuck you now! Thanks Brooklyn, you're great. But seriously, there's a few things good news things right now and all I can dwell on is a fucking boy. GODdamn, I got old and lame. I'm neurotic like any other girl apparently and I'm picking things apart and making things up and stewing over bullshit I would make fun of my girls for stewing over. This bunny's been bitten.

One thing that makes me happy as pie right now however, is the new demo up on Elefant's myspace. I saw Diego @ the store a few weeks ago and I always just to run up to him and hug him and make him sing Bokkie to me haha. The new song is adorable..all I need is an Elefant tour right now.

Friday, June 15, 2007 I want to marry you

I just laughed out oud at this comic at 8:40 in the AMz. It's called "attack kitten"

We make big timezz

Today is our annual Spring Fling, and tis up to me to clean up this hovel! Phooey! I'm like, allergic to cleaning, I seriously have no attention span for it. I'm all in a tizzy because I have a party dress and wifey made sangria and really far out people are gonna be there! I made this party flyer (sans address duh):

I am obviously in the pink dress there..ever since I can remember I have made ridiculous, tard-tastic faces. Thank god now they can all be captured with digital cameras and stored on Flickr and put in party flyers! Eek. So I have to go get flowers and do womenz work and stuff, maybe a load of laundary, a trip to Tarjayjay*, maybe a bloody mary somewhere in there..okay def a bloody somewhere in there. Here is my party list I made it last night when I got back from ze yooj Thurs. night bar romp and was eatin my noodlesies, and this mornin it makes me laugh:

12 pk PBR
6 pk PBR-bottles!
6 pk Miller High Life
2 bags ice

HAHAHA. Please. You can see where this is headed, obviously. Also, the only reason there isn't tequila on that list is cos a dude is bringing a fucking HUGE bottle of Cuervo..cos I mean really, it wouldn't be a Roomiez style Spring Fling if this wasn't happening:

And then 10 minutes later this:

Ahhh, the times we have. When city life makes me cranky I always think about how lucky I am for my friends, because really, they are all so wonderful and all that gushy shit. I <3 them. I <3 my wifey. I <3 you wifey!**


* Target

**wifey is the only one who reads this

***Umm..Sarah Vegan took the most beautiful pics of Adam Masterson. Whoa. If you don't know him look him up..he's gonna be a stahhh one day soon.

One more thing,

Can someone buy me this?!?!

I don't think I'd have a problem with it at being all cute and whatnot. I'm buying it. Naughty naughty!

Friday, June 08, 2007


I have a crush on these boys..

I have crushes on things I also fear. They are amazing, I really don't give a shit about theyz scene or whatever, they rock. I missed them twice this week because of work, being poor, and being tired of working and being poor. But eventually I will see them and what a beautiful day it will be..and then someone will punch me in the face or do heroin or something. I can't wait.

I also have a real life crush..groupie like what hayyy!

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Summer's funner

This song makes me think of summers in high school..and how amazingly lame I am and probably always will be. It reminds me of drinking tequila from the bottle and falling a lot and smoking Marlboro Ultra Light 100s (you know, $7 puffs of air). All klassy-like. It reminds me of skinny dippin' in the ocean at Ocean City, MD and my friends taking my clothes..and losing my toenail when I slammed into and fell over the curb in the parking lot (and not noticing it was gone until the next day!!)..and hitting on every semi-goodlooking boy in a 5 mile radius (and in the end not even smoochin' em)..and ahhh the LOVE SHACK. Anyone who hates on this song cannot be my friend, seriously. Because baby you know, he can give it to you. Show him where. He'll taste you there.

Also, this is my Summer Mix..there are some gems in there, and I don't care how stupid they are they hit the spot on a sweaty day. Check out the highlited one-yeah, that's right, I dig the Big Pimpin', in my whitey white indie rock way. I <3 summer.


Thursday, May 24, 2007

I b keeled.

Wow sometimes when I'm wasting my life at bars with friends, I meet people that make me happy I'm a lush.