Thursday, March 23, 2006

Life speeds up..and up and up

So the first thing I have to do on my birthday (other than listen to that Church song Life Speeds Up, it's a tradition of mine) is go to the bank and figure out where this one check my mom sent me is, and it's annoying and I feel irresponsible and my mom is telling me get a damn job so we don't have to keep doing this! ARgh. I still feel like I'm in college..but I ain't. I'm 23, goin on 19. "Yeah, mom, can you buy me a bus ticket, cos I only have $40 and I need to go to my party tonite." Oy, I know it's bad. Why can't I get a graphic design job already?! I think I'm purty competant, I learned so much from Jazz at Lincoln Center..WHATev. I'm going to apply myself more. Mooooooore! But first..
It's ma birthday! Woop woop! There's nuthing like Myspace to make you feel loved on yer birthday, ya know, I woke up and had soooo many happy birthday comments, and was like, awwwww! I mean, I know it's silly and easy to write a lil sentence on yer keyboard, but it's the thought that counts, and I think it's sweet. Warm and fuzzy! And I think the *best* part is all the comments involve bunnies or the Bunnymen too. <3! And my new fave band AND both Kilbey bros. sent me birthday wishes..! :blushing here man: To have these people I admire say such nice things..well, it makes my lil Bunnyheart flutter, seriously. I'm psyched to get drunk with my friends tonite, and also to wear my new Labyrinth tee Sara got me and gave to me at 12;30 last night, haha. Oh, and Hello Kitty stuff and pink eyemakeup, yayyy! I <3 my wifey!


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